Borderlands pre sequel save editor willowtree
Borderlands pre sequel save editor willowtree

borderlands pre sequel save editor willowtree

Doing this after extracting the file with an extractor program such as XTAF (to make it readable on a PC) is especially useful for creating back-ups before editing in WillowTree. Any save file on a USB may also be backed up to a computer by copying the file from the USB to any location on the computer.This creates two copies of the same file on different devices, and is also a useful way for physically moving save files between locations (such as for playing on another console, or editing in WillowTree on a computer). Xbox/PS3: A save file may be copied from the hard drive to a portable storage device such as an Xbox memory unit or USB flash drive stick. bak# extension and overwriting the original save file will restore the back-up. The back-ups are named save#.sav.bak# where the first and second group of numbers are the save file and back-up file identifier numbers respectively. Note: As of version 2.00, Willowtree# automatically stores back-ups in the same folder as the original save file when the "save" or "save as" menu item is selected, even if no change was made to the save file. To make multiple "time shots" to revert to, just make multiple back-up folders.Open the folder "borderlands back up" and press Ctrl+V (paste). Press Ctrl+A (select all) then Ctrl+C (copy). Open the file located in: My Documents/My Games/Borderlands/SaveData. These saves were created a long time ago and items could be missing.PC: Make a new folder labeled "borderlands back up" or something similar. If you have any questions, please let me know as well. If these saves lack a specific item, please let me know and I'll update the files ASAP.

borderlands pre sequel save editor willowtree

OS X: Users/MYNAME/Library/Application Support/borderlands the pre-sequel/WillowGame/SaveData/* custom_number_here*/ Windows: C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\my games\borderlands the pre-sequel\willowgame\savedata\* custom_number_here*/ To get there, you need to go to the following path according to your Operating System: To use the saves you need to copy/move them into your saves location. Make sure in either Epic Games or Steam that you have cloud saves turned off for Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, this can complicate the saves from showing up in-game. WARNING! Before moving the saved game files, make sure to backup your current saves in case of possible replacement.

borderlands pre sequel save editor willowtree

In the compressed folder you will find six save files. To extract these saves, you need to have a program that can extract archive folders, such as, WinRar & 7Zip.

Borderlands pre sequel save editor willowtree